Peringatan hari Pahlawan 2021

Hari pahlawan diperingati setiap tanggal 10 November setiap tahunnya. Tahun ini SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat memperingati hari pahlawan dengan mengadakan upacara bendera dengan diikuti Bapak/ibu guru, karyawan dan siswa-siswi SMKN 1 ROTA Bayat secara terbatas dan tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan. Hal ini adalah untuk mengenang kembali jasa dan perjuangan para pahlawan yang telah berjuang untuk mengusir penjajah dari bumi Indonesia, puncaknya pada peristiwa heroik di Surabaya tahun 1945 banyak korban yang berjatuhan.

Hari Pahlawan sekiranya tidak hanya sekedar diingat setiap tanggal 10 November namun lebih dari pada itu bagaimana menanamkan nilai-nilai kepahlawanan kepada generasi sekarang untuk mengisi kemerdekaan. Maksudnya setiap insan masyarakat Indonesia seyogianya memiliki semangat kepahlawanan dan tergerak hatinya untuk membangun negeri sesuai dengan potensi dan profesi masing-masing yang perlu terus dipertahankan oleh kita semua untuk mengenang para pahlawan. Hal ini sebagaimana tema Hari Pahlawan Tahun 2021 “PAHLAWANKU INSPIRASIKU”.

Maksud dan tujuan memperingati Hari Pahlawan adalah untuk mengenang dan menghormati perjuangan para pahlawan dan pejuang dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan.membangun ingatan kolektif untuk kemudian menggerakkan kesadaran masyarakat agar mau meneladani dan mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai luhur pahlawan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Merperkuat Persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa dengan dilandasi semangat dan nilai kepahlawanan dalam bingkai Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia, meningkatkan rasa kecintaan serta kebangggaan sebagai bangsa dan negara Indonesia.

10 NOVEMBER 2021
Don’t Forget History,
Indeed, independence was not a gift from the invaders, independence was not obtained freely, independence was drops of blood for the nation’s heroes.
The fighting spirit and willingness to sacrifice for the independence of our beloved Indonesia has immortalized his name into the ranks of Indonesian national heroes.
The motto of his life echoes, is timeless, till these days it still thrills the soul, these are the figures;

Tear my body, cut this body into pieces, but my soul is protected by the red and white fortress, will live, continue to demand defense, whoever the opponent I will face.
Old Pattimura may be destroyed, but someday the young Pattimura will rise.
We who are struggling should never expect a high rank, position or salary.
Rumangsa melu handarbeni (feels belonging),
Mandatory melu hangrungkebi (must participate in defending),
Mulat saliro hangrasa wani (introspection and dare to take responsibility).
Ing ngarsa sung tuladha, Ing madya mangun karsa, Tutwuri handayani.
At front we should be role model, In the middle we should give ideas, At the back we should give spirit.
As long as the Indonesian bulls still have red blood, Who can make a red and white piece of white cloth So during that time we will not give up on anyone. It is better for us to be crushed than not to be free. Our motto remains: freedom or death!

For safety and peace of mind, we must draw closer to God Almighty, people who draw closer to God will not fall into their lives and will not be afraid to face life’s trials, because God will always guide and bestow invaluable gifts.
In the face of the enemy, nothing hits the spot more than a weapon of compassion.
9.RA Kartini
Many things can bring you down, but the only thing that can really bring you down is your own attitude.
10. Pangeran Diponegoro
Life and death are in the hands of God.
Destiny is a certainty, but life must go on.
The process of life is the essence, while the final result is only sharia.
Give me a thousand old men, I will surely pluck Semeru from its roots, give me ten youths, I will surely shake the world.
A great nation is a nation that respects the services of heroes.
Our gratitude goes to the heroes of the nation, the strings of prayers and our fighting spirit for the next generation of the nation, for those who have been willing to sacrifice their souls and bodies for the sake of inheriting INDEPENDENCE.
Your motto is our inspiration and whip of encouragement, to continue the relay of struggle in order to fill independence, to become today’s heroes.
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